Future of Metaverse

Utility and Benefits

User delegate some task to Avatar to get in final multiple choice to his request.
This motivate and stimulate user to learn and choose the accurate response.

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More experience in the K7 Metaverse

K7 Platform monitor Avatar Evolution. During Avatar life, we perform a modelization of Profil depending on data collected and exchange made. We can give accurate diagnosis for each user case.


Simple and fast access to all Metaverse content.
Reduce UX Interaction Time


For each Avatar, their is reel Uniqueness data collected and immersive experience.

secure & protect identity

User Profile and personal data protected.
Only Avatar data shared in K7 Metaverse.

Minimal infrastructure

No need to invest ind VR/3D graphic capability.
Minimal energy consumption.
Minimal fees to access the K7 Metaverse.

business driven

Monetize user creation and experience.
Token for buying digital asset and Avatar using block-chain.
Creator can develop Group (Galaxy) and earn Token credit.

extra revenu

Big data for analytic study and research (AI model and ML).
Special sub-univers (Galaxy) for each sectors and activities.
AI Package for industrial.