Metaverse Editor
Metaverse Editor
AI : assistant to slave
By Metaverse Editor | |
Today's luxury cars allow you to park automatically, or drive
By Metaverse Editor | |
Everybody want to have more person attracted by his activity,
ON : I’m – OFF : you’re not
By Metaverse Editor | |
I am the only undisputed Master who rules over children's
Robotic as face operator
By Metaverse Editor | |
Robot can substitute human in all video scene or image
Human vs machine in gambling
By Metaverse Editor | |
In major gambling game, with hazard and random result, all
Preserving Resources: Assessing Value
By Metaverse Editor | |
What is value ? And how do we assess things
Human Knowledge History : a Decision Process Evolution
By Metaverse Editor | |
I make a reflection about the evolution of our humanity
The quantum chimera
By Metaverse Editor | | 0 Comments |
Scientists who defend the quantum system often assume that physical
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