Metaverse Market

Metaverse Problem

We spend lot of energy to artificially produce rarity. Digital goods are infinitely reproducible without loss of enjoyment for the initial holder. NFT to have sustainable value, there needs to be some benefit to holding it other than just being able to tell you're holding a Gif.

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Actual limitation

Actual Metaverse Platform are trying to artificially recreate the conditions of an economy based on rarity, which was occasion for fruitful speculation, instead of allowing everyone to benefit from a new abundance.

NFT Uniqueness

We can create the same object and reserve same space in multiple Metaverse. NFT loses its authentic and intrinsic value. Their utility also are subject to question.


Price of NFTs will drop

Minting fees

Gas will increase due to the stress exerted on the Ethereum networks.


Protect virtual heritage and asset. Most profitable NFT projects are deceptive and offer complicated ownership licenses.

Privacy and Security

User personal data are exposed to piracy and shares

poor games quality

Primary interest for the NFT rewards will decline, because user are unsatisfied.


Metaverse virtual world can withdraw user perception from real-world experiences AR/VR and 3D cloud capable infrastructure needs.

Expensive Hosting cost

High cost for publisher and developer to maintain 3D/VR technology Metaverse space.

minimal public adoption

Requirement of advanced digital technologies : VR headsets, haptics, blockchain, fast internet connectivity

1$ billion
Metaverse by 2027
1$ billion
AI EdTech by 2030
1$ billion
AI Healtcare by 2027
1$ billion
NFT by 2030