
Everybody want to have more person attracted by his activity, selling product, service, entertainment, speech, etc…

In politic, leader want their speech to reach more audience and electors.
Same way for industrial, they want their product announcement to reach their target.

Here come the capture of audience. Catch a trap more client to our goal.
Many TV or Movie production are sponsored by publicity to keep their show sustainable.

Noway if the product are good quality, the essential is to keep spectator stick to their TV or phone.
More they spend time more the show can bring benefit.

What about capture in video games.
This objective produce addiction among kids. Games like Minecraft, Roblox or Fortnite, mobile games and some social medias produce bad habit and behavior, and in some case irreversible.

We should explore different way to reach specific customer, like machine learning on big data to extract the right information about our customer target. Without spending lot of budget and time sibling the mass public.

The majority of video game industry production are going into the wall, destroying all family links and some natural cognition behavior among kids.

Person in charge of family education, coaches, therapist, psychologist, etc … should meddle and interfere to sound the alarm and stop this butchery. Parents also are in the first lines of defense.