I make a reflection about the evolution of our humanity history in innovation and technology. So I associated a rate percentage for each sector or trend.
Look at the attached image. We can figure out and predict the future of technology trend and R&D.
First we can talk about how man transcript, save and transfer his knowledge.
We pass from rock and tablet to cloud. Civilizations always need to backup their knowledge.
Development of transmission and communication speed, plus huge data store capacity transform th way human interact and use information.
1- Man cohabit with nature
Man try to discover which resources can be benefit for his survive.
In this phase man live single, in tribal or reduced group.
Man 100% of his capacity (mental and physic).
2- Geography and Culture
Increase of demography forced population to search new land and exploit new resources.
We have know : Human 80%, Material 20%.
3- Globalization
Human search to conquer new market , barter his production to other nation and land.
Human 60%, Market 40%.
4- Technology
New technology development and science discovery bring new product and needs.
Human 40%, Market 30%, Technology 30%.
5- Automatism era
To increase transaction volume and make complex operation, man invent programmable machines.
This era converging to Transistor invent and micro-industry
Human 20%, Market 20%, Technology 30%, Work 10%, information 20%.

6- Telecom, Internet and Finance
Man dispatch his information within several site transmitting and synchronizing information between server using network. Also telecoms develop telephone systems.
Finance and Stocks have more power on economy exchange.
Human 10%, Market 10%, Tech 10%, information 30%, E-Market 10%, Bigdata 10%, Social Net 20%.
7- Internet
Data is more located on the cloud and decision relay more on data collected from internet.
Human 5%, Tech 5%, information 15%, E-Market 20%, Bigdata 10%, Social Net 30%, Assistant 10%, AI 5%.
8- E-commerce
More customer buy product from internet, and would be influenced by web content.
Use of Bigdata for analytic and decision become crucial
E-Market 30%, Bigdata 15%, Social Net 20%, Assistant 25%, AI 10%.
9- Algorithm and Statistic supremacy
Human create model and using bigdata to make decision in many sector. From natural resources exploitation to e-commerce advertising, we deeply use prediction and bigdata analyzing.
E-Market 20%, Bigdata 20%, Social Net 15%, Assistant 30%, AI 15%.

10- Robotic and Assistant
More invest in autonomous function, that assist human to accomplish some task.
The serious issue is security and integrity of data, also the accuracy of results.
New paradigm emerge to define work protocol (work at home, space, subcontract, freelance).
E-Market 15%, Bigdata 15%, Social Net 10%, Assistant 25%, AI 20%, Robotic 15%.
11- Future
Assistant and robotic will continue to manage more task and services.
Investor will focus on bio technology and tech in medical sector.
Social media and learning model will run out of steam.
Recreational activities and therapies will take over classical video gaming.