Turn off oo machines
Turn off oo machines

"L'intelligence, ça n'est pas ce que l'on sait, mais ce que l'on fait quand on ne sait pas." - Jean PIAGET.
"Intelligence is not what you know, but what you do when you don't know." - Jean PIAGET.

I know more or less how oo search engine and their robot works. They index meta information from websites with content analysis algorithms.
The result of this indexing is stored in an archive or files on multiple servers to ensure backup, duplication and redundancy of data and also the immediacy of information.

Suppose we shutdown all servers at the moment T day D.
After 24 hours we restart them, meantime we imagine that several content has been created (new publications, pages, text, video, images, etc.).
So at the moment T + 24 or D + 1, oo can't recognize all those new information data.

When we ask him a request to search on an event which took place in this D-day, he will be unable to answer us. He should synchronize his database before we can get a list of suggestion.

In the end, this "intelligence" is dependent on the data it archives and also on the fact that it is always connected to the outlet afraid to miss any moment.
She does not have the ability and capacity to think on her own. Here is a concrete example between true human intelligence and machine's one present until now.