Simple day in 2100 with AI wako, darni and nawa
Simple day in 2100 with AI wako, darni and nawa

You work in firm that uses an AI wako controlling all management and processes.

Incident : one day you wake up in the morning with a stomach ache.

The whole house and the occupants are managed by a centralized AI darni.

You are subscribed to a clinic or medical office and a pharmaceutical group with a sub AI package nawa specializing in health / medical with options.

nawa offers several services including disease diagnosis and health monitoring.

Your body is stuffed with nano sensors in the blood, and microchip in skin to retrieve information in real time on many health parameters (we don’t need to do analyzes).

nawa interacts with nano and microchip sensors which are also by subscription and have different functionalities depending on the options you have subscribed to.

nawa will analyze the information collected and order for you a medication or food.

nawa will connect to AI darni and wako to manage your schedule and suggest the tasks performed during your day.


Reliability and accuracy of the diagnosis.

How our immune system will react with the sensors and microchips inserted in our body.

Risks of introducing anomalies into AI systems (malice, sabotage, failure).

People of this type will have positions in companies using AIs (pharma, agro, multimedia, robotics, finance, IT, security).

With such dematerialized functions, and surely tasks linked to AI and Bigdata, those people will become dependent at all levels of their life on AI.

At the same time, there will be some people who will not be able to afford such services and benefits and will generally have manual functions not yet managed by an IA.

We will also have groups and sects that will be against these practices, they will prefer to have control of their way of life, and manage their daily living by themselves, and not by an AI.

This will pose a serious social problem of segregation, integration and group cohabitation.